The sales for my novel “Life, Unedited.” flatlined. The steps I tried to breathe some life in them have all failed. Paraphrasing Edison, I would say I haven’t failed, but I found various ways of boosting book sales that don’t work.
I have a few more tricks up my sleeves – maybe – but I am out of steam and have no time right now for book marketing.
At the same time, I started working on the sequel. Yes, there is one more story in me that wants to come out. And I do have time and energy for that.
On a wall of the upper floor of the bookstore on the Cornell University campus, there is a quote that speaks to me:
“… a writer is a writer because even when there is no hope, even when nothing you do shows any sign of promise, you keep writing anyway.” (Junot Dias, 1005).
That spoke to me.
